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couples therapy couples

Couples coach Mikael Hoffmann can help you get a better and more loving relationship.

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Submission and dominance in the relationship

  • Anslået læsetid: 7 min read

What Does It Take to Create a Happy Relationship for Both Partners?

dominant partnerHere are some good tips for the MAN who is frustrated in his relationship.

We are becoming more and more aware that we do not want to feel bad.

Fortunately, many people live happy lives, but there are still about 40% who are so miserable in their relationships that they end up divorcing.

Others put up with the most horrible situations – perhaps because the alternatives seem too frightening.Read More »Submission and dominance in the relationship

A farewell letter

  • Anslået læsetid: 5 min read

End of the Year

farewell letterFor many years, I have used December 31st to look back on the past year and reflect on what has happened.
Together with my family, we look at pictures and talk about the people we have met and what has mattered to us.

On January 1st, we look forward to the coming year. I make plans and think through strategies.

And I write a farewell letter!

I got the idea from one of my friends in the military.
He told me that deployed soldiers, before they leave, always have to write a farewell letter to their loved ones, in case something happens to them and they don’t come home alive.

Read More »A farewell letter

The five layers of communication in the relationship

  • Anslået læsetid: 14 min read

How You Can Practically and Effectively Improve Your Relationship!

Couples therapy that works with strategy, technique, and concrete tools
Overview: In this article, you will get a thorough review of some concrete communication strategies and tools – depending on how well or difficult you find it to be with each other in given situations.

Most couples therapists help couples in crisis with general emotional problems.
There is, of course, nothing wrong with that, and it is perfectly fine.
There are thousands of couples therapists spread across the country.Read More »The five layers of communication in the relationship

The Hidden Signals of Women and Men

  • Anslået læsetid: 15 min read

How to Read Your Partner’s Body Signals?
signs he's attracted to you

In this article, you will read that body signals are not magic, but pure science.

You will learn how men and women can master the art of flirting – whether you are in a relationship and doing it with your partner, or you are single and looking for a partner.

You will find descriptions of specific signals that men send to women, and other signals that women send to men – which the receiver might find difficult to interpret and understand.

Also, WHY it is so.

If it’s hard to achieve the positive results in the relationship that you desire, you will also be introduced to Couples Therapy Copenhagen with one of the country’s most skilled and effective couples therapists.

Read More »The Hidden Signals of Women and Men

When should you divorce your partner? Is divorce the solution?

  • Anslået læsetid: 19 min read


When Do You Know It’s Time to Divorce?

In this article, you will see what it takes to avoid divorce with a couples coach.

You will learn about some of the consequences of separation and the benefits of staying together and resolving your issues.

We will also cover the psychological defense mechanisms with strategies and habits in daily life.

If you are in a complicated and painful relationship without love, I have some suggestions on how to make your relationship work optimally again.

There will also be references to how to deal with infidelity and affairs.

Additionally, you will learn about attachment styles and challenges with intimacy.

So if it is too difficult to do on your own it might be a good idea to talk with a couples therapist to find out what can be done.
Read More »When should you divorce your partner? Is divorce the solution?

Ultra Short Description of Couples Coaching

  • Anslået læsetid: 4 min read

The Shortest and Easiest Path to a Good Relationship

Relationship Coach Mikael Hoffmann
Every conflict (in a relationship) can only be resolved by understanding, acknowledging, and respecting each other, and finding creative ways to meet our different needs.

A good relationship fundamentally involves: Understanding, Trust, Security, Respect for each other – and Forgiveness.

Love consists of Understanding, Devotion, and the choice to give your partner what they want.
When both partners in the relationship do this and perform active caring actions, they feel the love.
True love is not a feeling, but rather a loving action.

Both Relationships and Love can be learned (if not learned in childhood).Read More »Ultra Short Description of Couples Coaching